“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” …Is how a bullshit meme on Facebook goes. You’ve probably seen it over a picture of a sunset or a lotus or a Native American. I’m just kidding...
“How are you?” The simple and polite inquiry should not fill me with the dread it does. It’s a basic social grace that we work hard to instill in children and awkward adults. Yet despite how much I know people mean well and need to be taught to say it lest we create...
Somewhere in Boston there exists footage of me being interviewed about what it’s like to be a female comic. I was brand new and sharing the spotlight with two veteran female comics. Inevitably the question came up about how we were being treated by male comics....
My husband and I have similar careers. We’re both writers and while our careers have taken different trajectories at times, we both write for TV and even more specifically, comedy/variety. As a woman, I have often been in his shadow and have worked hard to earn my own...
Last night I was drinking and free-associating in the shower. And my thoughts turned to a friend who had gotten pregnant at 40 something. I thought she had dodged the bullet of no one having to talk about her in hushed tones about her “struggle.” For those of...
I hate the term “politically correct.” Which isn’t to say I hate the spirit behind it. I’m all about that. I just think it fails to accurately describe the intentions or the behavior. And even worse, it’s become a term loaded with derogatory meaning in an effort to...