Grab the Good Times While You Can

Last night we entertained for the first time since New Year’s and had a group of 7 for dinner. We all stood around the kitchen talking and drinking the excellent wine our guests had brought while we cooked. As food was ready we just plated it and stood around...

How the Cookie Crumbles

A week ago I heard the news story about the Girl Scouts marching in the Inaugural parade. A week later I am still thinking about it. Initially I started to dismiss it. I mean, there’s so much to be outraged about, what’s this one more thing? My experiences with the...

The Boot Camp part 12: Rome Redux

Whenever we land in Rome I never know what to expect, at least from ourselves. The Ancient City boasting still standing structures thousands of years old is constant; airlines and people, not so much. Will we be on time? We will be overcome by jetlag and unexpectedly...

The Boot Camp Part 13: The Island of Salina

It’s the first full week of September and numerous news items leave me shaking with rage – or fear – or both on a daily basis. It seems impossible to believe that just 2 months ago I was in a place so magical I ceased caring about even eating, and only remembered to...