Dear DCCC…

Hey DCCC do I need to really write this letter? Do I need to tell you that no one has time for this shit? We are engaged in a war on all fronts right now and you just decided to turn a gun on the people in the trenches with you in order to win it. The women who you...

Welcome to C World!

C World is open and ready for visits! Click on the link below for more info!  

Be Nice to the Women in Your Life Right Now *

Be nice to the women in your life right now.    I mean, you should always be nice to the women in your life. And I will say this before some asshole shouts “All lives matter” that we should all be nice to each other, too, yes. But be especially nice to women right...

Why I Don’t Care That You Have to Think Before You Speak

  As I’ve said here,  I’m pro-political correctness, although I don’t much care for that term. I don’t think it’s “political” to treat people with basic kindness: to refer to them by names they don’t find offensive and to not perpetuate harmful and hacky...

The Most Revolutionary Thing I Ever Heard Part II

So why was, “I don’t want to change the way you feel,” the most revolutionary thing I ever heard? As most people by now know, Patricia Arquette won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress and made a statement for wage equality. Because I’m a class act, here’s what I...