The Most Revolutionary Thing I Ever Heard Part II

So why was, “I don’t want to change the way you feel,” the most revolutionary thing I ever heard? As most people by now know, Patricia Arquette won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress and made a statement for wage equality. Because I’m a class act, here’s what I...

The Most Revolutionary Thing I Ever Heard: Part I

Recently a friend said the most revolutionary thing I’ve ever heard.     I was upset about something. It was one of those somethings that 99% of the time would have had little to no effect on me. But, as in comedy, the secret to being soul crushed is timing. And...

Greetings from the Skunk Tour!

In the last week, I’ve told this story to about 3 different friends which makes me think it bears repeating. Also, I love being able to tell any story that involves an anecdote about my dear friend, Knoxie.   When I first moved to LA there was another Boston...

Bridget Jones’s Surgery

OK I’m going to try to make this quick because the world needs another “Renee Zellweger’s Face” think piece like it needs a brow tuck, which is to say, it doesn’t need a brow tuck, but it certainly is free to choose to have a brow tuck, so you’re free to read...

Your Rape Jokes Bore Me

When I hear a rape joke, I have a range of reactions. Sometimes it’s been laughter. Sometimes I’ve felt a weary indignation. After a year of women being a political punching bag and the “rape is OK” culture of places like Steubenville, it’s at times just one...

So I Did This Today

It was midday and I was feeling like a load from the bottle and a half of wine and 2 boxes of See’s Chocolates that I split with The Husband during a House of Cards marathon the night before. The salt that I sprinkled on my caramels in an effort to make them salted...